Please remember why do you brush your teeth everyday.
You used to do it in order to prevent your teeth from being decayed and your gum from being inflamed.
Don't be astonished to see that 85% up of adults have experienced tooth caries and 95% up of them have gum recessions, their teeth are deeply ground by brush and their gum are receded into the tooth roots by wore on.
what did it so?
What make your teeth decayed?
What make your gums inflamed and swelled up?
The principal criminal is bacteria in the mouth, more exactly it is the dental plaque holding many bacteria.
The toothbrushes have failed to remove up it effectively
they are grinding teeth still.
The rest of plaque has grown to be tartar.
Tartar(calculus) should be scaled, dentists say,
for it may cause gum inflamed and swollen up so called gingivitis(gum diseases), and
it may cause your teeth lost.
We have devised the reasonable toothbrush not to make teeth abrasive and gum receded.
The most important thing to make gum healthy is to massage, dentists say.
Our toothbrush is most optimal as well massaging gum as removing up plaque.
Your oral health depends on your choice of toothbrush.